Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Islamic Education



(Analysis of the PP. No. 55 of 2007 on Religious Education and Religious Education)

Education is an important factor that has a big hand in advancing a nation, even of human civilization. The purpose of education is the purpose of the state itself. Low-quality education and would continue to invite the invaders, both physical occupation and non-physical, such as intellectual colonialism, thinking, economic, social, political and religion. It is similar to the expression "ignorance is not because colonialism but kebodohanlah inviting occupiers'.

Indonesia an independent nation after proclamation of 17 August 1945. Independence is the liberation of a nation from the shackles of colonialism. Which have been independent nations can freely set the pace of the nation and government to achieve its objectives. True? Independence is not completely solve state problems. Political independence after the occupation by the Japanese government and the Netherlands it is more convenient compared with community cultural reconstruction and renovation of our educational system, especially Islamic education.

Education is something very vital for the formation of the character of a civilization and progress that go with it. Without education, a nation or society will never get its progress so that a nation or society that is less or even uncivilized. Republic Act No. 20 of 2003 also mandates that the National Education National Education functions to develop the ability to form character and civilization of the nation with dignity in the framework of the intellectual life of the nation, aimed at developing students' potentials to become a man of faith and pious to God the Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and accountable. 1

Obviously no longer a foreign policy of words heard by our ears. Birth of a policy, within which is education policy, not be separated from the response to social reality, political and cultural. 2 Implementation Regulation No. 55 Year 2007 as the juridical or regulation (regulatory) law for the implementation of the Religious Education Religious Education and sparked controversy variety of education and religious experts not only in terms of ideal conception, but also penetrating political and symbolic power idealogis contained therein.

Bergulirnya PP. 55 Year 2007 in the juridical sense is the realization of the mandate of Article 20, paragraph 4, Article 30, paragraph 5, and Article 37 paragraph 3 of Law No. 20 on National Education System. And Article 5 paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945, the Law number 20 Year 2003 on Nasonal Education System (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia of 2003 Number 78 Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 4301), and Law No. 1 / PNPS/1065 jo Act No. 5 of 1969 on Abuse Prevention and / or Blasphemy Religious Affairs (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1965 Number 3, Supplement to the Republic of Indonesia Number in 2727.)

On the stretcher over the issue of education reform, PP 55 of 2007, essentially in the procession to the ideals of "basing religious education as the basis of national education. 'The fact of national educational slump in 2005, concluded that the failure and the less successful in the improvement of national education stems in minimalism caharakter building or thin ethical and mental development of the nation as nation building. Thus, in discussing the articles in Law No. 20 on the national education system, religious aspect to dominate the formulation of the preamble. The articles are intended flavorful distinctive religion to determine the formulation of PP 55 of 2007 on Religious Education and Religious Education, in which the space of political intervention of government in a wide open so that the region and religious affairs of the community can be controlled or regulated.

Islamic Education
Etymologically, education comes from the students who received pen-prefix and suffix - meaning the process, act, how to educate, care for and teach. 3 The term education is translated into English with a mean education development or guidance. In Arabic the term is often translated by tarbiyah which means education. 4 In Islamic context, education term sometimes used with the word tarbiyah, ta 'lim, and hand' dib. Tarbiyah with words meaning essentially Rabba educate, raise, nurture, develop and increases (grows). The word tarbiyah especially in al-Qur 'an refers in childhood and are associated with the effort that must be done, and the burden of adults, especially parents to their children. 5

According to M. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Islamic education is a whole person education, intellect and heart, spiritual and carnal, character and skill. 32 Meanwhile, Hasan Langgulung formulate Islamic education as a preparation process of the younger generation to fill the role, transferring knowledge and values of Islam aligned with human function for the charity in the world and reap the results in the afterlife. 6

Islamic education can also be interpreted with the development of the human mind and behavior and emotion regulation on the basis of Islam, in order to realize the purpose of Islam in the lives of individuals and communities in the entire field of life. 7 More technical Endang Saifuddin Ansari provide understanding of Islamic education as a process of guidance (management, demands, proposals) by the subject students to the development of the soul (thoughts, feelings, wishes, intuition, and so forth) and physical objects students with a specific material base, the period of time, with certain methods and equipment with existing equipment toward creating a certain person with the evaluation in accordance with Islamic teachings. 8

Islamic Education Reform In The
Education quality improvement programs targeted by the New Order government would begin going on Pelita VII was forced to fail, economic crisis, which lasted from mid in July 1997 has changed the political constellation and national economies. Politically, the New Order regime ended and was replaced by that call themselves as "Reform Development" though most of the Order of the Reformation spirit still comes from the New Order regime, but there is little change, in the form of a free press and multi party.

In the field of education reform cabinet proceed only 9 year compulsory education programs have been initiated since 1994 and make improvements to the education system more democratic. Cabinet short-term duty Reforms of the most fundamental is how to keep public education participation rate remained high and not many of them have dropped out of school.

In the economic field, there was a prolonged crisis, governments become very heavy burden. Thus forced to slash programs including affirmative action programs and teachers tolerate setbacks completion of 9-year compulsory education program. Own school experience severe problems related to rising operating costs at a party and the declining number of entries from students. Development in the field of education also suffered setbacks. Some things that cause the government development programs in the education sector are fulfilled to the fullest.

Distribution of education sector development is less touching the lower class social strata.
A strong tendency in the development of a physical material, whereas spiritual cognitive problems have not gotten a strategic post.
The emergence of the industrial sector which swell, just make a serious agenda for Islamic education in Indonesia during this development.
Social changes that are running are not in an orderly sequence, sometimes even exclusively in the dialectical development as described above. 9

All of the above are factors of non-fulfillment of some purpose of government in running the development within the education sector, particularly for the Islamic religion. All that is very alarming, especially if left abandoned without any effort on the failure retrospection.

Must realize is that Islamic educational institutions are institutions of Islamic education has tremendous potential for the course pembagunan in this country regardless of the various assumptions about education that now exists, it must be remembered that Islamic education in Indonesia has many sons daughters gave birth to a nation that quality.

HM. Yusuf Hasyim said the enormity of Islamic education in Indonesia only to show one sample of schools. Islamic boarding schools as educational institutions and madrasas are responsible for the process of empowering the nation as a whole. While specifically Islamic education is responsible for the continuity of Islamic tradition in the widest sense. From the point of view of this Islamic education, both institutionally as well as inspiring, selecting the model that is felt fully support educational objectives and the nature of man himself, the human form of true believers, have the moral and intellectual qualities.

So far found many Islamic boarding schools scattered dipelosok homeland, too strong to maintain a perceived model of the classical tradition, as the beginning of the education system itself. But, at this time have a lot of modern pesantren and madrasah with reference to the purpose of Muslims and pay attention to macro and micro objectives Indonesia's national education, then education will combine product pesantren students to have the output (graduates) in order to have 3 types of graduates that consists of:

a. Skillfull Religious Muslim people are human beings who will become skilled, sincere, intelligent, independent, religious faith so strong in the behavior and attitudes, which will fill the lives of their labor in various sectors of development.

b. The Religious Community leader, which is insane Indonesia is sincere, intelligent and independent would be a dynamic force in social transformation and culture and is able to perform social control (social control)

c. Religious intellectuals, which has a sturdy integrity and good conduct scientific analysis and concern to the scientific issues.

Analysis of the PP. No. 55 of 2007 on Religion and Education of Religious Education
In this Government Regulation, referred to as:

1. Religious education is education that provides knowledge and shape attitudes, personality, and skills of learners in practice their religion, which held at least through the eyes of lessons / lectures in all lanes, level and type of education.

2. Religious education is education that prepares students to be able to perform roles that require the acquisition of knowledge about religious teachings and / or become an expert knowledge of religion and the teachings of his religion.

3. Diniyah Education is Islamic religious education which was held on all paths and education level.

4. Pesantren or Islamic boarding schools of Islamic religious education is an institution that organizes community-based education Diniyah or integrated with other types of education. 10

The study or analysis, intended to give an idea of the strength of positional state intervention in the religious affairs of society through the area of religious education and education of religion so that state intervention into legitimit. And, through the religious education and religious education with a predominantly Islamic idiealogis canalization done, particularly in schools berbasisiskan non-Islamic. Both businesses are conducted through discourse or improving the quality of religious education and pluralism that the interests of intervention and domination has the form of a symbolic nature.

Tracing back the parts of articles in the PP No. 55 Year 2007 on religious education and religious education, it is clear that the government openly provides freedom for its intervention efforts towards the implementation of religious education and religious kependidkan. As noted, ranging from the unity, Islamic Religious education article 14, both paragraphs one and two samapai religious education which is the sixth part of Confucius article 45, include a thorough government intervention. Not only the role of regulation, control but also on the content of education. This is clearly legible in the formulation of every chapter and verse are almost uniformly and refers to article 5 of this Regulation, which regulates the balance in the implementation of the curriculum of religious education.

Islamic Education and its existence as a component of nation building, especially in Indonesia, played a very large and is going on since long before the independence of the Indonesian nation. It can be seen the practice of Islamic education which was held by Muslims through the traditional educational institutions such as the assembly taklim. Forum study, mosque, mosques and Islamic boarding schools which flourished and existed until now. Even after independence the implementation of Islamic education are increasingly gaining recognition and juridical umbrella with a variety of products legislation on national education.

But even so, the Islamic Education until now arguably still are in a problematic position between the 'historical determinism' and 'practical realism'. On the one hand, Islamic education is not fully get out of idealism, the triumph of Islamic thought and civilization past hegomonik; while on the other hand, he also 'forced' to accept the demands of today, especially those coming from the West, with orientation is very practical. In the empirical historical terrain, this fact often lead to duality and polarization of the educational system in the midst of Muslim society so that the agenda of social transformation that have been proposed to function as just a 'patched' it. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the one side we still get the look 'system of Islamic education' because it remains a very traditional wear 'old clothes'. 11

In looking at the concept of Islamic education reform at the top, Yusuf Amir Faisal in his book "Reorientation of Islamic Education" states that "the reform of education is a complex multidimensional business, and not only aims to improve the perceived shortcomings, but mainly represents a re-review effort over aspects of education systems-oriented formulation of new goals, "and always oriented towards societal change. 12 Efforts to reform education will not have a tip end ever. Why is that, because there is always an education issue as long as human civilization and of life itself still exists, educational reform ends, let alone the information age as it is today, obselescence level of education programs is high. But more importantly is the participation in reform efforts and professional ability mentally supported education managers, and managers need to have some sort of a common mission in every effort to reform education and for reform efforts to be more effective. In addition, also need to realize the presence of common mission being pursued by the update and indicator of awareness of the common mission of an update.

Educational reform is due to the challenges of the needs of society at that time and education itself is expected to prepare the human products that can address the needs of these communities, so it can say that education is more conservative. For example, the agricultural community in design education to be relevant to the development and needs of society in that era, as well as when changes in society to industrial society and information, education as well as in design to the rhythm of development of industrial society and information and so on.

As the condition of education in Indonesia, the Islamic education in Indonesia is also facing various problems and the gaps in the more complex aspects, namely: a dichotomy of education issues, curriculum, goals, resources, and management of Islamic education. Efforts have not done basic repairs, so impressed just improvise. Business renewal and improvement of Islamic education is often piecemeal or not comprehensive and thorough, and most of the systems and institutions of Islamic education has not managed professionally. Islamic education reform effort is fundamentally always inhibited to various problems, ranging from funding issues to experts, so that "Islamic Education today looks increasingly less clear orientation." With this reality, in fact "Islamic education system must always orient itself to address the needs and challenges that arise in society as a logical consequence of change". 13

At this time, the government already has 7 points toward a national education program policy, namely: 1) to seek expansion and equal opportunity to obtain high quality education, 2) improve academic and professional abilities, 3) conduct educational system reform, including curriculum, 4) empower educational institution, both school and outside school, 5) updating and strengthening the national education system based on the principle of decentralization, autonomy of science, and management, 6) improve the quality of educational institutions that held both the public and government and 7) develop human resources quality as early as possible in directed. By the seventh of this strategy, actually can convince that national education and Islamic education at the macro level we are quite promising for the provision of HR who really have adequate competitive advantage. But if we consider the fact the education condition, there are two principal reasons to do reform of Islamic education in Indonesia, namely: first, conception and practice of Islamic education, as reflected on the institutional and program content based on the concept or understanding of Islamic education is too narrow an emphasis on the interests of the hereafter, second, and institutions of Islamic education content that is known today, such as the madrassas and pesantren is not or less able to meet the needs of Muslims in facing the challenges of the modern world. Especially the people and the Indonesian people for development in all areas at present and in the future.

To face and build civil society in Indonesia, Islamic education reform effort is needed fundamentally, namely 1) need to rethink the concept of Islamic education that really is based on basic assumptions about human beings, especially in the nature or potential, 2) Islamic education should lead to the integrity of between religious knowledge and general science to bear no gap between the science of religion and science not religion, because in the Islamic view that science is one that comes from Allah, 3) education in the design of attitude and behavior toward the achievement of "tolerance", roomy chest in many ways and areas, especially tolerant of differences of opinion and interpretation of Islamic teachings without giving an opinion or a principle which is believed, 4) education are able to foster the ability to berswadaya and independent in life, 5) education that foster work ethics, have aspirations to work, discipline and honest 6) Islamic education should be designed to be able to answer the challenges of society towards civil society as well as flexible to the changing times and society.

From the discussion above, there are few indicators as an attempt to reform Islamic education, namely: the setting of education, environmental education, characteristics of the destination. Please note that an educational reform effort directed properly if the basic framework is based on the philosophy and educational theory that is stable. Philosophy of education can only be developed based on basic assumptions about human solid and clear, both as individuals and as members of society, its relationship with the environment, the universe, akhiratnya, and its relationship with the Creator, while educational theory can be developed on the basis of a meeting between the approaches philosophical and empirical approaches.

Thus, the basic framework of the first reform of Islamic education is a "philosophical conception" and "theory of education" based on basic assumptions about the human relationship with the environmental community and Islamic teachings.

Initial step in making changes in education is to formulate "the basic framework of a philosophical education" in accordance with Islamic ajara, then expand the "empirical principles' which underlie its appropriateness in the context of the environment (social and cultural) without the basic framework of" philosophical "and" theoretical "strong, then the reform of Islamic education did not have solid foundations and also do not have a definite direction. Then the next step is to develop a framework of systemic, that is the basic philosophical and theoretical framework of Islamic education must be placed in the context of supra - the system of society, nation and state and the interests of the people in which education was implemented. If apart from this context, education will become irrelevant to the needs of the community, nation and state of Indonesia in the face of the demands of a shift towards "civil society" of Indonesia.

To end this discussion, citing Pengembangang Johar in his book Toward the Future of Education "states that education should be based on the paradigm of religious nationalism. This means that we kepemilahaan in implementing education is a religious nation's intellectual life. The consequences of that then our education should be conducted in a manner :

Education to build the integrity of science and religion
Our education conducted by Iqra ', review of God's creation weeks to obtain knowledge of God
Our education held to the teachings of God
Our educational mission of the task carried out by living on Earth as God's representative
We should examine the reality of education
Education should be able to build vertical monotheism and social unity
Must be able to build vertical monotheism, which claims No God Apart from God and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. 14
Based on the above brief description, it can be concluded that the development of Islamic education in Indonesia is to be in accordance with the needs of society through reform in Islamic education system and the implementation itself. Islamic education system in the present and the future need to be considered and discussed the causes of the problem, among others: First, that the implementation of Islamic education in a formal / informal education is not in accordance with the understanding of Islam itself; Second, that the systems and methods that still in a circle pendakalan (de Islamisation process.)

The renewal of Islamic education include: a change from system to system madrassa; a change from system to system of Islamic schools, and the obligation to learn Islam, in public schools in accordance with the Law of the National education system.

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